My Potential and My Privileges

For awhile now I have noticed a not-so-good-of-a-quality in myself. I would never go as far as saying that I am unhappy or wish my life were different, but it goes something like this...

When I was single I couldn't wait to have a boyfriend.
When I was in college I couldnt wait to be graduated.
When I graduated I couldn't wait to have a full time job.
When I was dating I couldnt wait to be engaged.
When I was engaged I couldn't wait to be married.
And now that I am married, I cant wait to have kids.

Blah blah blah. And the cycle continues. I really hate this way of thinking and I am really trying to work on being happy with where I am, instead of looking forward to the future all the time. It is one of my goals to be 'happy in the now'.

Then today in Relief Society we watched this.. and obviously I lost it. Isn't Elder Uchtdorf the best?


  1. crying. this was amazing, thank you haley. that moment when he finds out it was all included, my heart sort of dropped. applying that heart dropping realization to my own life was so eye opening. i feel like i see this concept in an entirely new way now, which means living in and loving the now will become that much easier.

  2. Haley! Love the blog post. I swear everybody struggles with this. For some reason it can be hard to be content with what we have. Love the video, Uchtdorf is my absolutely favorite!
    XO Courtney

  3. mike and I watched this the other night and it was a huge wake up call. i'm pretty sure right before we watched it we were talking about how life would be when we had our own place/finished school. it can be so hard! but I think his story is SUCH a great reminder of why it is unhealthy to do that.
    ps. lovin the frequent posts.

  4. thanks for sharing! love this video!!


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