I've had some random thoughts the last few days and i need somewhere to vent my joys/angers/loves/hates ....you get the picture. So here goes nothing
.. i reallyyyy hate my blog. i need to make it cute, but why the heck does it take me sooo long to do so? i need to redo the header. ..but flip that takes 10 years and a half and by the time i get it done, the pictures will once again be outdated. Help anyone?
...i decided it's one of my biggest pet peeves when people don't listen to what you have to say. And by listen, i mean
really listen. Sure everyone is capable of hearing what one is saying, but why is it sooo hard for someone to listen to how you feel? I am sick of people thinking that they know what's best for me and trying to convince me to do what
they want. If they would just listen they would know
exactly how i feel. People should know by now that i am a pretty much an open book.
...it's my momma's birthday today. I wont tell you how old she is...she might kill me in my sleep tonight.. but lets just say she isn't as old as she thinks she is. :) Happy birthday mom!
...i really just love John Mayer. I miss singing his songs in weird voices with my bestie. I also have been loving Tay Swift..i miss screaming her songs with my other bestie. ok lets be honest.. when am i not loving either of these two?
...In sad news about this bestie... she is moving to Colorado for the summer to do pharmacy internship. i am going to miss her!!!! summer is our time to be together.. and now, we wont be. booooo.
..Speaking of Tay.. My dad surprised me for my birthday with 4 tickets to her concert in September. I will probably sell two of them, but even still... SO. EXCITED. if you promise not to tell anyone, i will tell you something embarrassing. I was listening to Tay the other day and got so excited for her concert that i teared up. Yup i cried. I am sooo weird. What the heck.
... We had a bridal shower for Jaim on Saturday. it was good seeing the girls.. i haven't seen them since our gift exchange before Christmas! what the heck. But life just takes you different directions, and as sad as it is to say... that's kinda how it is going with the kicks. Still love all those girls to pieces though. Jaim gets married in
10 Days! so excited for her.
...i think i am 'buying' a new ipod. Remember that
gift card that i won? well.. a new ipod before Africa would be a nice way to spend it right?
...i am suddenly feeling sort of stressed with all the stuff i need to do before i leave. Did i mention it is less than a month away? Freaking out much.

...Ben gets home in 54 days. Of those 54 days.. 24 of them i will be spend out of the country. I would be lying if i said i wasn't SO excited for him to get home. But i would also be lying if i said i wasn't kinda nervous. It is quite the roller coaster of emotions. I haven't let myself think about this day for over two years. Back in those days it was too far away to even think about. Now all of a sudden i feel this overwhelming feeling that is so hard to describe. hahaha ben used this phrase in his last letter about coming home.. "it's kind of a suffocating feeling thinking about coming home." I have to agree. I feel that. Not necessarily in a bad way.. but there are just sooo many different emotions i feel that it gets overwhelming sometimes. I cant wait to go to Africa and lose myself in service.

...I am really excited for work to change to 8:30-12:30 days. I know i have never been a morning person, but i have come to love that feeling of waking up early and getting things done. Working in the morning and having my afternoons free seems like a marvelous plan. Especially if there is beautiful sunny weather, a pool, and a bottle of tanning oil calling my name.
.. I came upon this video today and almost died. How cute is it? haha at the same time.. i really hope my kids aren't
that eager to get their first kiss. crazy.
...i keep telling myself that i will start eating more healthy and exercise everyday.. yup i was supposed to start on the 9th... but i am still saying "i will start tomorrow"... Where is my motivation?
...i am having a girls night with Lexi tonight. I think it is needed. And i think it will help this crappy mood that i am in. I found this on stumble and i cant decide which side the tears are coming out of first? hahaha how annoying is that?!
Until tomorrow.. thanks for reading my angry/happy rant. you are all great. Nighty