Well its official! Another one of the kicks is a married woman! Jaimie got married last saturday and it was the most perfect day. Well except our little mishap. For some reason us girls have been late to EVERY single wedding. Dutson, Steph, and I, had planned to drive to the temple that morning together. We planned to meet at Dut's house that morning at 12:15 to be sure that we would make it to the temple on time. Jaim's sealing was scheduled at 12:20 so we were positive that we would have plenty of time to spare. Well long story short.. Dut's little sister ended up in the hospital that morning which left Hay stuck in Provo! We ended up leaving about 20 minutes late but still figured we would get there in time. We were just hitting 33rd south when the phones started ringing.."Hurry she's about to come out!" "Where are you guys?" Ahhhhh it sent us all into stress mode! Anddd to make matters worse, we were in Hay's little Geo Tracker.. aka.. maxes out at like 75mph. We scored a good parking spot (thanks to steph and brooke's mom) and booked it to the temple! We got there right in time (and even a little to spare). The photographer somehow got lost which postponed the happy couple coming out on time.. thank goodness!
Steph. Brooke. Hay. Jaim. Dut. Jess |
Dutson was in charge of decorating the car.. i think it turned out adorable! |
The remaining three. Who will be next?! |
Jaim looked gorgeous and so happy and at ease. It was so fun being with the girls again. We are all so busy and can hardly find a time when we can all get together. Congrats to the new couple.. Mr. and Mrs. Broadhead!!
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