A couple weeks ago it was my spring break, and me and Ben really wanted to do something fun together, because who knows if we would get the chance again before he leaves for his mission. We ended up going with my mom and teag, and staying with my aunt and her family in San Diego. It was so Fun! She was an awesome hostess and we were constantly busy!

The beach is one of my natural loves. I love everything about it! We planned Wednesday for our Beach day, because it was suppose to be the warmest day of the week. When we pulled up to the beach i was so disappointed because there was this thing they call the "marine layer" that had taken over the beach. The sun was no where in sight! It was warm outside, but it looks completely miserable! Nevertheless, we had a great time!

Me and Benjamin doin some boogie boardin! Ben was super good at it.. and as the day went on, i got pretty good too! Except i did have a very snobby california girl stare at me and say rudely, "Your board is upside down." and she turned and laughed with her 13 year old friends. ahah what joke! But I am use to things like that happening.. it is just such a Haley thing to do!

This picture was taken right after i had been destroyed by a massive wave, while ben watched. I actually smacked my face on the ground and it felt like i was broken everywhere! But, i will say, coming up out of the water and seeing Ben starring at me laughing is head off made me start laughing too, and made all my pain go away... Despite the amount of salt water i had just swallowed, and considering my back felt like it was broken!

Ok this beach was so cool! These seals come in and harbor there right on the beach! These little animals were so funny to watch and were pretty cute!

For Breakfast one morning my Aunt made reservations at this famous California beach house restaurant. It was really cool! ..and my blueberry pancakes were delicious. Oh! and my cousins from Iowa were also in town for the first day that we were there, so it was fun seeing them too!
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