While in San Diego, we had some extra time and decided we would go to the Body Worlds exhibit. Oh my word! It was the coolest thing i have ever seen! and I definitely left with a greater knowledge of how my body works, and a higher respect for my Heavenly Father! call me crazy, but it made me realize even more, how wise our loving Heavenly Father is!

So these pictures have some funny stories behind them! We walked to the museum and on the way, there was this huge garden with a big gazebo right in the center. There were these little signs next to all the rose plants, and each one said some funny name! I thought they were hilarious so i took the time to take them out of the dirt, and take some pics! The one on the left says "Double Delight" and the right one says "Howdy Dooty!"

"First Kiss" and "Whisper".. i love how ben just plays along with me.. even though he was getting so annoyed and kinda embarrassed! i love it though!

This one is the one that my mom got so embarrassed and informed me after that there were "plenty onlookers looking in disgust" ahaha i thought it was so funny! oh my gosh. So if you can't tell this one says "Double D" because someone had broken the sign, so that was all that was left. and no.. i am definitely not a Double D but i just couldn't resist!
Haley, I love your new blog look, and the picture. It was so fun to see you this past weekend, Love ya!