I am behind on Eden's life, so let me start with her 1 month update!
weight: 8lb 13 oz
- Eden loves her minky blanket! Every night when we wrap her up in it, she just rubs her little cheeks against its soft fabric. #thesweetest
- She still isn't very sure about bath time, but she loves when we run the water over her head.
- She loves having her hair brushed
- She likes her carseat and being on the go! She seems to love her stroller and car rides--hasn't had a 'come apart' in public yet--which we are grateful for!
- The bouncer that vibrates completely mesmerizes her! She is so calm and peaceful when whenever we put her in it.
- She still has a hard time going to the bathroom.. pooping is not enjoyable.
- She hates having her diaper changed
- Doesn't like when mom changes her clothes
- HATES when I put lotion on her.

Her little smile and squinty eyes are the cutest!