Work is absolutely crazy. I have been gone on the road 3 out of the last 4 weeks. This is definitely abnormal. The weird thing is.. I actually LOVE being on the road. It is the one part of my job that I love the most. In the past 2 weeks I have been able to travel to Alaska (fairbanks and anchorage), West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Talk about crazy. Refer to this post to read about what I do while I am gone :)

I turned 24! Eekk. To me that sounds so old. I had the best birthday ever! I headed out shopping with my mom and sister.. then that night we went to dinner (at Settebellos.. my favorite) with ammon's family and headed to the Bee's game with some of my closest friends. I told Ammon that it was the 'IDEAL Birthday' because i was able to see and spend time with so many of my closest loved ones. I am definitely one who finds joy through quality time spent with loved ones!

My BF Whitley got married in St. George! It was the best day. She is so so happy. Her and her husband are one of those couples that are just so madly in love and you can feel it just by being around them. It was so fun being back in st. george with Whitley and Min (my two roommates while i lived there). Man we have some good memories together!
Jess, my other bf, had her SECOND baby! omg. Ammon and I were able to go to the hospital just after Carter had been born.. we were able to watch as they introduced him to his older brother Emmitt. Holy cow.. what a special moment. I cannot wait to have kids someday. Carter is the sweetest and I just love observing Jess be a mom. I hope I can be like her one day! She truly is such a good mother.
Ammon and I got adventurous and went on a little hike for memorial day. We had a blast up at Stewart falls and I got FRIED!
My little brother Teagan plays on the Jordan High baseball team. They took state this year! It was fun to go back to the baseball games and cheer for my beetdiggers! I'm a digger til i die! :)
For the 4th of July, Ammon and I went with my family to Stadium of Fire! I had never been before and I was blown away. Ammon kept saying (and still does).."BYU does things right babe.. i have been trying to tell you this for sooo long!" hahaha he will never shake the UTE out of me.

My family also has the tradition of going to the Oakley Rodeo every summer. My grandpa gets tickets for all of us in the same section EVERY year. He LOVES the rodeo and always makes sure that our seats are ideal to watch the bull riding. I love this tradition and was glad that Ammon and I could go this year.
In other news.. Cam Cam (my camry that i have had since i was 16) finally died. It was our plan all along to drive that thing into the ground, but we for sure thought we at least had a few more years with the thing! Sooo drum roll please.. last weekend ammon and i bought a brand new car! It was a whole new experience for me test driving new cars because it was not something that I would be able to have. Well.. Ammon and I finally settled on the Kia Optima.. it was one of the only cars that we BOTH liked.. (am says my style is too girly) and knowing that someday ammon will most likely end up driving this car.. it was important that he liked it too. We are in this thing for the long haul! I am sooo happy though and it feels weird driving such a nice new car!

Am's sister and brother in law and my two nephews came to visit from Rhode Island. I can't even tell you how fun it was to have all my nephews and niece in ONE place! Pure Heave!
Ammon and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary this weekend. Crazy crazy. Time goes by so fast and at the same time it feels like i have been married to that boy forever. best decision i ever made.
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