Running has never been something that I enjoy. Even when I was little and just stepping into the competitive soccer arena, running a timed mile or two was the most incomprehensible thing I could think of. My mom had to come run with me. And believe me, if that would have been acceptable for my college soccer fitness tests... I would have had her right there next to me. Running just plain sucks in my mind.
Sooo then I did something stupid. I signed up for my first half marathon. 13.1 didn't seem too bad. So i casually began training. I still hated running and randomly.. i decided that if I was ever going to run a marathon, this would be there year to do it. I was training for a half, so I might as well continue training for two extra months or so and run a marathon. *insert expletive*
Training was hard and did not get any easier for me. I'll be honest.. I didn't train like i was supposed to. I did however feel prepared for my half marathon in July. That day was one of the worst days of my life.. but i did it. Then, a wrench got thrown into my plans. I accepted a coaching job at the local high school... not realizing the affect it would have on my training. I was now working 8-5, and coaching 5ish-8ish (game nights were more like 10), and my training slowedddd down substantially. I tried my best to run with the girls on conditioning days, but even that was maybe only a mile or so. My only real training happened on Saturdays when I would complete my long runs. These runs were LONG, took forever, and HARD. I was constantly sore and felt like crap every weekend.
Two weeks before the marathon I ran my first 20 miler. I felt great the whole time, and as i ran to my finishing desitination where ammon was picking me up.. i started bawling. I was so proud of myself for doing something I never thought I could do, and mostly i was just so happy to be done! :)
On October 5 I ran my first marathon. I was 30 minutes slower than I originally had wanted to be, but i quickly forgave myself because my body and mind felt so great and positive the whole race. (something i would easily sacrifice a good time for) Ammon met me around mile 16 and i was feeling great. Then my sister in law ran with me from mile 22-26. She kept me running at a good pace and kept my mental emotions in a positive place.
As I was running the last two blocks of the race, I was so overwhelmed with happiness. It is quite the indescribable feeling seeing the bleachers full of people who love me, cheering me on. I crossed the finish line and was instantly tearing up. I was SO proud. Then i looked up to see my friend Kami (who also happens to be the St George Marathon head coordinator) crying right along with me! She gave me the biggest hug and said some of the nicest things to me! It was an experience I will never forget.
I was so excited to see Ammon and my mom. My mom was my biggest mental support through out my training.. she kept me positive on bad run days, and helped me realize that timing didn't matter. Ammon was my biggest physical and emotional support. Although i was stubborn at times, he always made sure I did my runs. He woke up every Saturday morning with me at 4:30 to drive me up to my running route. He would then wait for me at the bottom of the route.. a some 3-4 hours later.
Running still isn't my favorite thing. But i am so happy that i pushed myself to do something that I really never thought I could do. I am convinced that if I can run a marathon, anyone can :)
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haley that's awesome!! i didn't know you had already done the full! it's a goal i have yet to complete. congratulations on your success.
ReplyDeleteI just LOVED seeing you cross the finish line and getting to be the first person to congratulate you on your HUGE accomplished goal. I am so proud of you. Congrats again my darling friend!
ReplyDeletewoooooooo!!! way to go! geez, almost makes me want to sign up for another one!