So, here is a quick list of things to get you caught up on our lives :)
>Ammon started his MBA program.. I will admit that it is harder than I expected! (most selfish comment ever). I so appreciate his hard work and time spent doing homework but it is a big adjustment spending time alone for hours on end. I really need to find some hobbies! It's a good thing Ammon is so dedicated and diligent... He never complains about working all day and then having to do homework for hours after work.
>A few weeks ago our good friends Jess, Evan, and Kilie came down and we drove to Vegas for the Carrie Underwood concert. To say Carrie has amazinggg talent doesn't do her justice. She is the most real talent I have ever witnessed.

>Our friend's the Vincent's had their sweet baby boy Nixon a few weeks ago. He is seriously an angel and we loved being able to spend time with them last weekend. Look at the pictures from the birth story here. If they don't give you the chills I don't know what will! Call me baby hungry.. it might be true.
>We are finally getting around to hanging things up on the walls. Just in time for me to want to paint! :)

>Easter meant a new Easter dress (or two) for me! I have this weird problem with LOVING to shop.
>I officially signed up for my first half marathon in July. To say I am excited is an overstatement.
>Mom and Dad safely escaped Boston after experiencing the Boston Marathon bombings. We felt so blessed and protected as a family that I will have to share those stories with you one day. Mom PR'd with a 3:50!

>Ammon's little brother Josh got home from his mission last week. He served in Thailand and we are so excited to hear his homecoming talk next week.

>Ammon and I still LOVE watching baseball.. it will forever be part of our lives!
Every time I start blogging again, I realize just how much I missed it. I am really going to work on updating this thing more often.
i LOVE when you blog!