Well we are counting down from 3 now! sooo crazyyy. I had the opportunity to go through the temple this past friday. I was nervous and excited all wrapped up into one. Once i was in the temple, everything seemed to fade away. Seeing my sweet Ammon in the house of the lord... wow. Life changing experience. It was a spiritual day that led me to fall in love with my dear fiance more than i could ever imagine. The sweetest spirit was present and i felt a feeling i have never quite experienced in that amount of strength.
To all those who have yet to go through the temp.. be excited. Do not worry. Remember it is the house of the Lord, and the spirit that is there is the best feeling in the world. I am 183489375498879r times more excited to marry Am on THURSDAY! holy smokes. can hardly wait. And i am also veryyy excited to see you all that night! Best day eveerrrr.
I NEED YOUR HELP. i have been brainstorming and searching all dayyy for a song i can dance to with my dad. I don't want anything too sappy and sentimental, but i do want it to be special. All the songs i 'have' with my dad, are a little too fast paced and too hard to dance to. Soooo any recommendations would be very much appreciated. I have a special place in my heart for country music because of my dad.. so country is A-OK. But anything will do. PLEASE HELPPPPPP :)
Technically, there is six days until the wedding. But since i havent gone to bed yet, we don't count that. we'll pretend like it's still 7. So many emotions have hit me in the past few days, and i feel like i need to blog them so i remember how it felt to know that i am getting married in a week. so here goes nothing.
Overwhelmed. I go through the temple tomorrow. I'll admit.. i cried a little when i realized that starting tomorrow there will be no more soccer shorts in my wardrobe. [i fully realize the blessings greatly outweigh the sacrifice].
Inadequate. Next thursday is the day that i have literally spent my whole life planning and preparing for. Being sealed for time and all eternity to my best friend, and receiving so many amazing blessings..suddenly i feel a little inadequate and unprepared. Plus, i think of my cute fiance and wonder how in the world i ever snagged him up. he is my everything.
Excited. HOLY CRAP....>>>I am going to be MRS AMMON ZITTING. Whaaaa?
Humbled. So many people have been so gracious with their time, money, and talents, just so my day will be perfect. I am sooo grateful. I wish i could be more like all of you.
Thankful. For my sweet Mother. She is out of town this week...[no cell service] and i feel sort of lost wrapping up last minute details with out her. She has kept me calm, collected, and happy, through this whole process.
Weird. I've been a little sad lately.. I realized that one of my best friends [you know the kind..the kind you can't imagine your wedding with out?] will not be attending because of a failed friendship. I always imagined my friend being there as a bridesmaid, and yet, here i stand heartbroken in a way, and a even a little bit bitter. Someday, hopefully soon, i will be ready for the forgiveness process. It's just a reallyyy weird feeling.. quite indescribable actually. Then throw in the fact that an ex texted me this week.. and man! weirdness alll around!
Relieved. That sweet Tiff Hafen came into my life. She calmed my worries when she agreed to shoot some bridal pics for me. I was notttt happy with my first batch of bridals, and well... she was a lifesaver.
Anxious. Anxious to get this thing done and over with. The 'to-do' list is annoyingly long, and quite frankly, i just do not care anymore!
Happy. Ammon and i took the night for ourselves. No wedding planning. No wedding 'talk'. No running errands. Instead we got snow cones at the best snow shack around.. "Cup o' Sno" and rented This Means War. We cuddled. We talked about life. We ignored everything around us. And for a few hours... i had a glimpse at what life is going to feel like. It is so easy to get wrapped up in wedding plans. I was honestly beginning to worry that Am and I wouldnt be able to hold a conversation after the wedding, because literally our whole life for the past 4 months has revolved around planning everything. I was trying to think of a recent conversation that didnt involve the wedding, and came up empty handed. SAD. haha. Tonight completely reassured me. Life is going to be utter bliss starting a week from today. Sure, there will be hard times. But i just can't wait to have that amazing man permanently by my side.
Overwhelmed. I go through the temple tomorrow. I'll admit.. i cried a little when i realized that starting tomorrow there will be no more soccer shorts in my wardrobe. [i fully realize the blessings greatly outweigh the sacrifice].
Inadequate. Next thursday is the day that i have literally spent my whole life planning and preparing for. Being sealed for time and all eternity to my best friend, and receiving so many amazing blessings..suddenly i feel a little inadequate and unprepared. Plus, i think of my cute fiance and wonder how in the world i ever snagged him up. he is my everything.
Excited. HOLY CRAP....>>>I am going to be MRS AMMON ZITTING. Whaaaa?
Humbled. So many people have been so gracious with their time, money, and talents, just so my day will be perfect. I am sooo grateful. I wish i could be more like all of you.
Thankful. For my sweet Mother. She is out of town this week...[no cell service] and i feel sort of lost wrapping up last minute details with out her. She has kept me calm, collected, and happy, through this whole process.
Weird. I've been a little sad lately.. I realized that one of my best friends [you know the kind..the kind you can't imagine your wedding with out?] will not be attending because of a failed friendship. I always imagined my friend being there as a bridesmaid, and yet, here i stand heartbroken in a way, and a even a little bit bitter. Someday, hopefully soon, i will be ready for the forgiveness process. It's just a reallyyy weird feeling.. quite indescribable actually. Then throw in the fact that an ex texted me this week.. and man! weirdness alll around!
Relieved. That sweet Tiff Hafen came into my life. She calmed my worries when she agreed to shoot some bridal pics for me. I was notttt happy with my first batch of bridals, and well... she was a lifesaver.
Anxious. Anxious to get this thing done and over with. The 'to-do' list is annoyingly long, and quite frankly, i just do not care anymore!
Happy. Ammon and i took the night for ourselves. No wedding planning. No wedding 'talk'. No running errands. Instead we got snow cones at the best snow shack around.. "Cup o' Sno" and rented This Means War. We cuddled. We talked about life. We ignored everything around us. And for a few hours... i had a glimpse at what life is going to feel like. It is so easy to get wrapped up in wedding plans. I was honestly beginning to worry that Am and I wouldnt be able to hold a conversation after the wedding, because literally our whole life for the past 4 months has revolved around planning everything. I was trying to think of a recent conversation that didnt involve the wedding, and came up empty handed. SAD. haha. Tonight completely reassured me. Life is going to be utter bliss starting a week from today. Sure, there will be hard times. But i just can't wait to have that amazing man permanently by my side.
after watching the daily countdown start from 119 days.. it feels pretty dang good to wake up to this number:
But for real. I never thought the day would come that i got to see single digits. HOLY MOLY. i am so excited. I woke up this morning with more love for my sweet fiance than ever before. (but lets be honest... that happens every morning).
I also hope all of you got your invites. We found out last weekend that somehow 70 people on our labels list got skipped. Soooo hopefully that was none of you! if so, pleaseeee email me or comment or something. You had better believe that we want you all there!!
Also, this picture makes me giddy.
But for real. I never thought the day would come that i got to see single digits. HOLY MOLY. i am so excited. I woke up this morning with more love for my sweet fiance than ever before. (but lets be honest... that happens every morning).
I also hope all of you got your invites. We found out last weekend that somehow 70 people on our labels list got skipped. Soooo hopefully that was none of you! if so, pleaseeee email me or comment or something. You had better believe that we want you all there!!
Also, this picture makes me giddy.
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photography credit: Ian Barkley |
This year was the first year i have been in America for the 4th! The previous two have been spent in Africa or Italy. And while yes, i am beyond grateful for those amazing our-of-country experiences, there was nothing sweeter than coming home to the good ol U-S of A. We really do live in such a blessed land, and until you have traveled abroad it is easy to overlook the huge blessing. Even though our government may not be the most keen or we might disagree with some laws or regulations, Please just be grateful for the freedoms we do have.
In Kenya, i saw governmental rule and destruction. I saw people oppressed simply because of the pride and selfishness of people in power. In italy, (a little more forgiving) I saw just how real the Mafia is. I saw the power that families and clans had over cities, and the country-for no real reason at all, besides the power of $$$). It is amazingggg. I never thought that in a country that seemed so civilized and 'up to date', things could be so corrupt.
So while yes, we do have things to complain about.. please just remember how blessed we really are to be living in the most amazing country on earth! Am and i celebrated by watching RSL battle Seattle. It was my first RSL game this year, and boy was it fun! I loveeee my country!
In Kenya, i saw governmental rule and destruction. I saw people oppressed simply because of the pride and selfishness of people in power. In italy, (a little more forgiving) I saw just how real the Mafia is. I saw the power that families and clans had over cities, and the country-for no real reason at all, besides the power of $$$). It is amazingggg. I never thought that in a country that seemed so civilized and 'up to date', things could be so corrupt.
So while yes, we do have things to complain about.. please just remember how blessed we really are to be living in the most amazing country on earth! Am and i celebrated by watching RSL battle Seattle. It was my first RSL game this year, and boy was it fun! I loveeee my country!
The Future Fam.. |
Ammon and I had met playing on the same intramural flag football team. I thought he was attractive but heard through the grapevine that he was taken and "pretty much engaged". Well so what. I still had my little secret crush that no one knew about. A little while later, I again heard through the grapevine that Ammon was now single and pretty upset about his recent breakup. Obviously, I didn't want to get in the middle of that whole deal, so continued to keep my small crush a secret. (It was a creeper crush i'll admit). We had only talked a handful of times, and most [no, alllll] of the conversations were about flag football. I had no intentions of anything ever happening between the two of us, and it was something i was ok with.
Fast forward a few weeks. I was on FB [ohhh how i hate fb being involved in this story], and Ammon began chatting with ME! what theee random. We joked about how we needed to hang out, and i gave him my number and told him to text me. The next few days i waited and waited and waited for a text that never came. WTH. His friend Alex (who lived in the apt below me), was over at my house one day and got a phonecall from Ammon. Alex stood up to leave, and as he left i yelled, "tell ammon thanks for texting me!" He looked sooo confused and after some arguing, he agreed and left. It wasnt two minutes later i got the text i had been waiting for. That small little text ended up turning into a 4 day non stop text conversation. I was (i'll admit) very surprised at his whitty humor, and the ease at which we were able to hold conversations. During those 4 days, we ended up hanging out with mutual friends a few times and each time we did, my small little crush began to grow.
I remember, it was a Tuesday, and I was down at Alex's apartment talking to the boys about a group date they were planning. Quinn (one of the boys) called Ammon up right while i was sitting there, and was insisting him to ask out a girl named Cassie! He was pressuring Am pretty badly to "just take her out. She's a cool girl!" and every time i could tell Ammon was resisting his peer pressure. I was silently hoping he would! Quinn eventually got off the phone and said to all the boys "He said to give him a few hours to find someone and if he cant he'll go with Cassie." As soon as Quinn finished with that very sentence i looked down to my ringing cell phone... with Ammon's name on the screen. I left the apartment silently, and answered the phonecall from my big crush. During the convo he asked me to join him on a group date the following thursday, and obviously there was nothing i could do but accept! I was SOOOO excited for thursday to come and was glad that he had wanted to go with ME! I didnt know Ammon too well, but what i did know about him i liked. He was a genuine good guy, and someone that i was really excited to get to know.
Fast forward a few weeks. I was on FB [ohhh how i hate fb being involved in this story], and Ammon began chatting with ME! what theee random. We joked about how we needed to hang out, and i gave him my number and told him to text me. The next few days i waited and waited and waited for a text that never came. WTH. His friend Alex (who lived in the apt below me), was over at my house one day and got a phonecall from Ammon. Alex stood up to leave, and as he left i yelled, "tell ammon thanks for texting me!" He looked sooo confused and after some arguing, he agreed and left. It wasnt two minutes later i got the text i had been waiting for. That small little text ended up turning into a 4 day non stop text conversation. I was (i'll admit) very surprised at his whitty humor, and the ease at which we were able to hold conversations. During those 4 days, we ended up hanging out with mutual friends a few times and each time we did, my small little crush began to grow.
I remember, it was a Tuesday, and I was down at Alex's apartment talking to the boys about a group date they were planning. Quinn (one of the boys) called Ammon up right while i was sitting there, and was insisting him to ask out a girl named Cassie! He was pressuring Am pretty badly to "just take her out. She's a cool girl!" and every time i could tell Ammon was resisting his peer pressure. I was silently hoping he would! Quinn eventually got off the phone and said to all the boys "He said to give him a few hours to find someone and if he cant he'll go with Cassie." As soon as Quinn finished with that very sentence i looked down to my ringing cell phone... with Ammon's name on the screen. I left the apartment silently, and answered the phonecall from my big crush. During the convo he asked me to join him on a group date the following thursday, and obviously there was nothing i could do but accept! I was SOOOO excited for thursday to come and was glad that he had wanted to go with ME! I didnt know Ammon too well, but what i did know about him i liked. He was a genuine good guy, and someone that i was really excited to get to know.
Alright blogger friends! The time to send out invitations has come! I know a lot of you do not have FB soo i cant get a hold of you from there. But! If you would like an invite to the wedding.. feel free to email me at
Super easy right? dont be shy! get me those addresses!! love you guys!
Super easy right? dont be shy! get me those addresses!! love you guys!
Am and i had a busy but fun weekend! we left for st gee superrr early friday morning to sign the lease for our apartment! Guys.. it is soo cute and perfect. Just a little one bedroom apt with all the regular stuff, and a nice big walk in closet. :) oh my gosh i can hardly wait to start decorating that place. The only crappy thing is that we will most likely only be there until november, and then we are hoping to buy a house!!! what the? Am i really this old? So exciting though.. anddd just being in st george for the few hours that we were got me wayyy too excited to move back.
We hustled our little tooshies back to Lehi so we could go the the Lehi rodeo with some of Ammon's friends. Ok.. so fun. I had totally forgotten how much i loved rodeos. For some reason i cant help but dress up like a hick and talk like one too!

Saturday i finallyyy got to use my much anticipated birthday gift from Ammon.. US Womens National team soccer tickets. Score. I loveee loveee loveee soccer.. and watching those girls play made me realize just how incredible of a sport it is. I miss playing sooo badly! The olympics cannot come fast enough! Best birthday present goes to my sweet fiance. :)
And then! Last night we went to din din with Jess and Ev. They are practically our favorite. Even cute little Emmitt came along. After a delicious burger at Salt Lake Burger Co, and running into the lovely Williams, we got to go meet sweet baby Jack. That's right.. another one of the six kicks from high school had her baby! He is the cutest little guy around, and has the most distinct gorgeous features. Mommy Brooke and Daddy Dan, are doing so well and are beeeeyond happy to finally welcome him into the world. HOLY MOLY. My friends have children. What the??....
We hustled our little tooshies back to Lehi so we could go the the Lehi rodeo with some of Ammon's friends. Ok.. so fun. I had totally forgotten how much i loved rodeos. For some reason i cant help but dress up like a hick and talk like one too!

Saturday i finallyyy got to use my much anticipated birthday gift from Ammon.. US Womens National team soccer tickets. Score. I loveee loveee loveee soccer.. and watching those girls play made me realize just how incredible of a sport it is. I miss playing sooo badly! The olympics cannot come fast enough! Best birthday present goes to my sweet fiance. :)
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Alex Morgan was amazing! |
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the difference two months makes! |
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The girlies. Jess. Brooke. Haley. |
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