a quick Sneak Peek...

For those of you who do not follow me on insta.. 1. shame on you! and 2. you probably missed out on a sneak peek to some of our super casual engagements we did this week. Am and I reallyyyy wanted to get some fun pictures on the baseball field before we both moved up, and my dear friend Levi (with MLA-Photography) totally hooked us up. I am soooo grateful he was willing to come take some pictures with such short notice (like i'm talking.. the day before.. Am and i decided we wanted pics.. and we literally had like 3 hours that we were available). Plus he was soo easy going and just all around fun! Anyway.. we wont get the disk of the pictures back for awhile..so i figure posting my two favorites from our 'sneak peek' isnt that big of a deal. In all honesty i am not going to post that much stuff about our wedding cuz i want all of you to COME out of curiosity.. instead of knowing everyyyything that i am going to have there. So ha. Send me your address so you can attend!


  1. Super cute!! Love the bottom one. You guys are a cute couple!

  2. i dieeed over these pics hay! levi seriously did a great job. also, pleeeease do come to our next blog meet up! we're trying to plan a little get together before i head to india so i'll keep you posted!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE! and can't wait for your wedding! Hope all the planning is coming along!:)


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