Taggity tag tag tag

Yup i got tagged.. and normally i would refrain from participating but when i see that the other 4 people i was tagged with have all followed through.. well i guess i cave to peer pressure.

Young girl status... "Overall Fridays"...... the only pair i could find were my mom's maternity
overalls.. we were soo weird.
11 random facts about meeeeee

1. As you can tell, my middle name is J. Yup just the letter J. Not J-A-Y, not J(.). just the letter J. When i was younger i was embarrassed to tell people.. but i LOVEEE it now. You better believe that my first daughter's middle name will be J.
2. I have a weird OCD obsession with painting my nails. They are ALWAYS painted and i usually paint them every 3-4 days.
3. I love love love spaghetti. It has always been, and always will be, my favorite meal.
4. My favorite holiday is Halloween (let's all just pretend Christmas doesn't exsist). I love the crisp air, the creepy decorations, and everything that comes along with being scared. Haunted houses are honestly my favorite thing ever!
5. I talked myself out of dating Ammon 5 times over two years. And everyyyy time i came crawling back. For us it was like the billionth time the charm. :)
6. I ABSOLUTELY HATE CATS. Thinking about them makes me sort of gag. ewwwww. hate hate hate.
7.  Just like Heather, i have a severe picking problem. I pick at everything.. zits, ingrown hairs, pretty much anything that grosses a normal person out.. i love picking. (just ask poor ammon he is the victim of my picking obsession every night). Except scabs. Those are not my forte.
8. I am superrr competitive. Even if it is simply a game of "Go Fish".. i love winning and the adrenaline that comes along with being competitive
9. My fav number is 12. Almost every cd I ever made in high school had my favorite song as number twelve. Weird i know, but it is just the way i operate.
10. I was definitely one of 'those' people who lovedddd high school. I am not ashamed. I loved every minute of being a Beetdigger.
11. I am going to be a college graduate in approximately 18 days. Holy !*@%. i. am. so excited. Anddd in approximately 101 days i marry the man of my dreams! But who's counting right?

My questions from Heather are...

1. What is your favorite Cereal? ..way easy. I love Mini Wheats!
2. If you could buy all your clothes from one department store where would it be? I would buy everything from Nordstrom. Who wouldn't?
3. What is the last book you read and did you like it? I really don't read all that often, but last summer while traveling to Africa I read Water for Elephants. It was super crude, and not that great of a book. Butttttt i was bored on my 12 hour flights, and 24 hr of travel.
4. Nsync or Backstreet Boys? Oh! i was a total Backstreet Boys girl. I went to their concert in 4th grade with my best friend Haley Dutson. We sat on the third row, and i was inches away from touching Brian's hand. awww my stomach has butterflies just thinking about it.
5. What's the farthest away from home you have been? Kenya! Such an amazing place. i need to blog about it more.
6. Who did you want to marry when you were little? All you JHS'ers are going to die with this answer.. up until the sixth grade, i thought for sure i was going to marry Marcus Christensen. hahahaha i remember i wrote about him in my journal! hahah so classic! i obviously had other crushes too, but this one topped the list.
7. Do you have any strange phobias? I, along with Allie Morgan, HATE loose hair. The mere thought of having to sweep my roommate's bathroom floor.. makes me want to throw up. uhh. Loose hair.. any time, any where, any place ..is completely disgusting.
8. What was your first job? I was a kids camp counselor at the gym by my house. I loved that job!
9. What is your favorite quote? Man! that is sooo hard to narrow down. I found this today and i couldnt agree with it more. "You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make."- Gordon B. Hinckley.
10. what is your pet peeve? I hate when people leave pans on the stove full of leftovers. It is the weirdest pet peeve but i hate it!
11. If you had choose between never washing your bed sheet or bath towel which would it be? I would for sure chose my bed sheet. Washing my towels is the best feeling on the planet. Although both of these options are extremely disgusting.

Ok my questions for the 'tagged' are...
1. what is your favorite type of candy?
2. What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?
3. Snowboard/ski?
4. If you had to pick one place to live for the rest of your life (besides where you are now) where would it be?
5. Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
6. What is your favorite nail color?
7. Do you have any weird routines that you perform daily?
8. Are you petrified of something?
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
10. What is one thing you couldnt live with out?
11. What is your favorite thing to relax/de-stress?

Tag youuuuu
Whit Davis/ Lauren Minnick
Hailey Anderson 
Aubrey Olsen
Riley Bergeson
Mary Leonard


  1. i'm the same way, i never do these tag posts but i felt so pressured to do it when two different people tagged me. i loved high school too and sometimes find myself wishing to be back. bahahaha biggest crush on marcus. i die.

  2. Haley... I was just innocently blog stalking and then BAM! There's my name. I guess I will obey since I enjoyed reading yours so much! haha


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