[listen] or [read]
I love my life so much. I love my Heavenly Father for knowing exactly what i needed, and for knowing my deepest desires--ones that i might not have consciously known i wanted. I love what my life is shaping up to be, and I am also very grateful for the hard times I had to go through to get where I am. I love Am. He is the truly the most amazing person ever. And I am just soooo grateful for the path that was so meticulously paved for us!
.................................. ps. How attractive is my fiance?!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!!? can't wait to marry that boy!!!!!
Why yes, i do realize that i am done with school in approximately one week. Ecstatic.
Why yes, i do realize that my blog has completely sucked lately. Sorry.
Why yes, i do realize that i need to schedule my engagement pictures. Not worried.
Why yes, i do realize i never told you mine and Am's love story. Am's fault. (love you)
Why yes, i do realize that i move up to Sandy in 10 days. Sad. Thankful. Weird.
Why yes, i do realize that Am boy is done playing baseball in 11 days. empathetic. (he's gonna be a mess)
Why yes, i do realize that we have a wedding to plan. not stressed one bit.
Why yes, i do realize that i am not going to Kenya this summer. Bittersweet.
Why yes, i do realize that my bestie Jess is going to have her babe any day now. Excited
Why yes, i do realize that i have another bestest friend living in Russia. Love.
Why yes, i do realize that i get to play soccer soon. thrilled.
Why yes, i do realize that my cute little missionary brother will not be at my wedding. Depressing.
Why yes, i do realize that Am's cute missionary brother will not be there either. Double Depressing.
Why yes, i do realize that i am still the luckiest girl in the planet. Beyond thankful.
Why yes, i do realize that i easily have the most amazing fiance on the planet. Humbled.
.......And why yes, i do realize that i am soooo madly in love with Ammon Zitting.
Why yes, i do realize that my blog has completely sucked lately. Sorry.
Why yes, i do realize that i need to schedule my engagement pictures. Not worried.
Why yes, i do realize i never told you mine and Am's love story. Am's fault. (love you)
Why yes, i do realize that i move up to Sandy in 10 days. Sad. Thankful. Weird.
Why yes, i do realize that Am boy is done playing baseball in 11 days. empathetic. (he's gonna be a mess)
Why yes, i do realize that we have a wedding to plan. not stressed one bit.
Why yes, i do realize that i am not going to Kenya this summer. Bittersweet.
Why yes, i do realize that my bestie Jess is going to have her babe any day now. Excited
Why yes, i do realize that i have another bestest friend living in Russia. Love.
Why yes, i do realize that i get to play soccer soon. thrilled.
Why yes, i do realize that my cute little missionary brother will not be at my wedding. Depressing.
Why yes, i do realize that Am's cute missionary brother will not be there either. Double Depressing.
Why yes, i do realize that i am still the luckiest girl in the planet. Beyond thankful.
Why yes, i do realize that i easily have the most amazing fiance on the planet. Humbled.
.......And why yes, i do realize that i am soooo madly in love with Ammon Zitting.
Basically my work is awesome! I get to learn all sorts of cool stuff dealing with make up, skin care, and hair care. I get lucky and get to try out a lotttt of different products. So with out even more blabbering.. read on about some of my favorite eye products!
Benefit Cosmetics.."They're Real Mascara" $22 at ULTA
K no joke this stuff is awesome. During our grand opening we sold the crap out of this stuff. We seriously could not keep it on the shelfs. Sooo after about two months i finally gave in and bought it. Let me tell you... I LOVE IT! I was use to using the Covergirl Lash Blast that comes in the big orange tube. I like that stuff as well. But with this new mascara.. my lash routine is split in half, and my mascara doesnt flake. Because it is a gel based mascara, it doesn't run when it gets wet! BUT it's not completely waterproof so with a little soap and water you have yourself an easy removal! Plus it adds volume, and curls your lashes naturally. Say good bye to your eye lash curler ladies.. this stuff is BOMB. And no, the picture below is not me.... but legit that is how your lashes will look.

I am really sorry for the alignment and spacing issues. I am totally struggling with the new blogger interface for some reason. Anyway.. i am thinking that i am going to start posting my new favorite products every friday. What do you guys think?
Benefit Cosmetics.."They're Real Mascara" $22 at ULTA
K no joke this stuff is awesome. During our grand opening we sold the crap out of this stuff. We seriously could not keep it on the shelfs. Sooo after about two months i finally gave in and bought it. Let me tell you... I LOVE IT! I was use to using the Covergirl Lash Blast that comes in the big orange tube. I like that stuff as well. But with this new mascara.. my lash routine is split in half, and my mascara doesnt flake. Because it is a gel based mascara, it doesn't run when it gets wet! BUT it's not completely waterproof so with a little soap and water you have yourself an easy removal! Plus it adds volume, and curls your lashes naturally. Say good bye to your eye lash curler ladies.. this stuff is BOMB. And no, the picture below is not me.... but legit that is how your lashes will look.
I thought for sure i would struggle using a
brush to put my liner on.. OK i was totallyyyy wrong. This gel is super easy
to work with and the brush is amazing. I just barely bought my second
pot, after using my last one for almost 8 months. Have you ever had an
eyeliner last you that long?...yeah I didn't think so. It comes in five
colors.. Black, brown, bronze, green, and purple. The brown is pretty dark, and
black, the green and bronze have
a shimmer, but not enough that one could tell a huge difference. Seriously
this is probably the only liner i will everrrrrr use again. I have tried many..
from the cheapness of Revlon, to awesomeness of Bare Minerals (HATE HATE
HATE their liners), averageness of Too Faced. None come even slightly close to
this baby. Plus tarte is a completely natural brand with out any additives, or
Urban Decay "Original Eyeshadow Primer Potion" $20 at ULTA
Alright.. some of you may be
asking.. "why do I need a primer for my eyes? What even is a primer?"
Well let me tell you.. it is the absolute one thing you need when
wearing eye make up. A primer will hold your shadow in place
with out letting it crease, smudge, smear, or run. It will force you to use less
shadow because it helps pull the real color of your shadows out
sooner...aka less building aka less product being used. Although there
are a ton of different brands of eye shadow primer.. this one is probably
one of my favorites. It comes in four colors..two of which have an absolutely
gorgeous shimmer, the other two are flat, matte colors. If you are unsure
of which to buy.. i suggest either 'Sin' or 'Eden'. Sin has a pinkish
silver shimmer, while Eden is the original matte. The other two are
more goldy tones, and are equally as pretty. Guys this stuff
is awesome!
Yup i got tagged.. and normally i would refrain from participating but when i see that the other 4 people i was tagged with have all followed through.. well i guess i cave to peer pressure.
11 random facts about meeeeee
1. As you can tell, my middle name is J. Yup just the letter J. Not J-A-Y, not J(.). just the letter J. When i was younger i was embarrassed to tell people.. but i LOVEEE it now. You better believe that my first daughter's middle name will be J.
2. I have a weird OCD obsession with painting my nails. They are ALWAYS painted and i usually paint them every 3-4 days.
3. I love love love spaghetti. It has always been, and always will be, my favorite meal.
4. My favorite holiday is Halloween (let's all just pretend Christmas doesn't exsist). I love the crisp air, the creepy decorations, and everything that comes along with being scared. Haunted houses are honestly my favorite thing ever!
5. I talked myself out of dating Ammon 5 times over two years. And everyyyy time i came crawling back. For us it was like the billionth time the charm. :)
6. I ABSOLUTELY HATE CATS. Thinking about them makes me sort of gag. ewwwww. hate hate hate.
7. Just like Heather, i have a severe picking problem. I pick at everything.. zits, ingrown hairs, pretty much anything that grosses a normal person out.. i love picking. (just ask poor ammon he is the victim of my picking obsession every night). Except scabs. Those are not my forte.
8. I am superrr competitive. Even if it is simply a game of "Go Fish".. i love winning and the adrenaline that comes along with being competitive
9. My fav number is 12. Almost every cd I ever made in high school had my favorite song as number twelve. Weird i know, but it is just the way i operate.
10. I was definitely one of 'those' people who lovedddd high school. I am not ashamed. I loved every minute of being a Beetdigger.
11. I am going to be a college graduate in approximately 18 days. Holy !*@%. i. am. so excited. Anddd in approximately 101 days i marry the man of my dreams! But who's counting right?
My questions from Heather are...
Young girl status... "Overall Fridays"...... the only pair i could find were my mom's maternity overalls.. we were soo weird. |
1. As you can tell, my middle name is J. Yup just the letter J. Not J-A-Y, not J(.). just the letter J. When i was younger i was embarrassed to tell people.. but i LOVEEE it now. You better believe that my first daughter's middle name will be J.
2. I have a weird OCD obsession with painting my nails. They are ALWAYS painted and i usually paint them every 3-4 days.
3. I love love love spaghetti. It has always been, and always will be, my favorite meal.
4. My favorite holiday is Halloween (let's all just pretend Christmas doesn't exsist). I love the crisp air, the creepy decorations, and everything that comes along with being scared. Haunted houses are honestly my favorite thing ever!
5. I talked myself out of dating Ammon 5 times over two years. And everyyyy time i came crawling back. For us it was like the billionth time the charm. :)
6. I ABSOLUTELY HATE CATS. Thinking about them makes me sort of gag. ewwwww. hate hate hate.
7. Just like Heather, i have a severe picking problem. I pick at everything.. zits, ingrown hairs, pretty much anything that grosses a normal person out.. i love picking. (just ask poor ammon he is the victim of my picking obsession every night). Except scabs. Those are not my forte.
8. I am superrr competitive. Even if it is simply a game of "Go Fish".. i love winning and the adrenaline that comes along with being competitive
9. My fav number is 12. Almost every cd I ever made in high school had my favorite song as number twelve. Weird i know, but it is just the way i operate.
10. I was definitely one of 'those' people who lovedddd high school. I am not ashamed. I loved every minute of being a Beetdigger.
11. I am going to be a college graduate in approximately 18 days. Holy !*@%. i. am. so excited. Anddd in approximately 101 days i marry the man of my dreams! But who's counting right?
My questions from Heather are...
1. What is your favorite Cereal? ..way easy. I love Mini Wheats!
2. If you could buy all your clothes from one department store where would it be? I would buy everything from Nordstrom. Who wouldn't?
3. What is the last book you read and did you like it? I really don't read all that often, but last summer while traveling to Africa I read Water for Elephants. It was super crude, and not that great of a book. Butttttt i was bored on my 12 hour flights, and 24 hr of travel.
4. Nsync or Backstreet Boys? Oh! i was a total Backstreet Boys girl. I went to their concert in 4th grade with my best friend Haley Dutson. We sat on the third row, and i was inches away from touching Brian's hand. awww my stomach has butterflies just thinking about it.
5. What's the farthest away from home you have been? Kenya! Such an amazing place. i need to blog about it more.
6. Who did you want to marry when you were little? All you JHS'ers are going to die with this answer.. up until the sixth grade, i thought for sure i was going to marry Marcus Christensen. hahahaha i remember i wrote about him in my journal! hahah so classic! i obviously had other crushes too, but this one topped the list.
7. Do you have any strange phobias? I, along with Allie Morgan, HATE loose hair. The mere thought of having to sweep my roommate's bathroom floor.. makes me want to throw up. uhh. Loose hair.. any time, any where, any place ..is completely disgusting.
8. What was your first job? I was a kids camp counselor at the gym by my house. I loved that job!
9. What is your favorite quote? Man! that is sooo hard to narrow down. I found this today and i couldnt agree with it more. "You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make."- Gordon B. Hinckley.
10. what is your pet peeve? I hate when people leave pans on the stove full of leftovers. It is the weirdest pet peeve but i hate it!
11. If you had choose between never washing your bed sheet or bath towel which would it be? I would for sure chose my bed sheet. Washing my towels is the best feeling on the planet. Although both of these options are extremely disgusting.
Ok my questions for the 'tagged' are...
1. what is your favorite type of candy?
2. What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?
3. Snowboard/ski?
4. If you had to pick one place to live for the rest of your life (besides where you are now) where would it be?
5. Who has had the biggest impact on your life?
6. What is your favorite nail color?
7. Do you have any weird routines that you perform daily?
8. Are you petrified of something?
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
10. What is one thing you couldnt live with out?
11. What is your favorite thing to relax/de-stress?
Tag youuuuu
Whit Davis/ Lauren Minnick
Hailey Anderson
Aubrey Olsen
Riley Bergeson
Mary Leonard
The weekend home proved to be quite productive.
found my dress and ordered it
bought all 7 of the bridesmaids outfits (exchanged sizes about 1928409204 times)
had a baby shower for my bestie
found the reception center
bought some reception decor
designed the invitation
figured out photographers and videographers
checkity check check check! .... and yet the list is still 23492598023859438692834095 times long.
found my dress and ordered it
bought all 7 of the bridesmaids outfits (exchanged sizes about 1928409204 times)
had a baby shower for my bestie
found the reception center
bought some reception decor
designed the invitation
figured out photographers and videographers
checkity check check check! .... and yet the list is still 23492598023859438692834095 times long.
Thursday afternoon Am and I were talking about what we wanted to do the next day. I was getting off work at 4, and he didn't have baseball practice.. Which obviously meant PARTAYY! He suggested we go on a hike or something, and well, a hike DID NOT sound appealing to me at all! So, i suggested we go feed the ducks at our favorite spot and just chat and catch up on life. (That sneaky boy of mine knew that is what i would want to do!)
So Friday, I got off work and immediately called Am. I explained to him that i needed to go home to change and paint my finger nails real quick. (I had become super paranoid that i would be proposed to when my nails looked like absolute crap.. so i was constantly painting and repainting.. my OCD kicked in a bit too). He told me that he would meet me at my house in awhile. And then he said "oh and just like.. wear some jeans and.. like a cute shirt or something" (ok i was so confused.. but went along with it) and then he said.."guess what just happened?... i got rear ended." hahaha i felt so bad for him! He had just finished filling out a police report and everything.
When he got to my house he was a little jittery. Of course i thought it was a little weird, but just figured it was because he had just gotten in a car accident. He kept saying things like.. "we are running out of daylight here babe.. HURRRYYY." While, secretly in my head i am thinking.. "k what the crap.. it is 4:30!" So we hurried out the door. And there, waiting in his car was a massive bouquet of pink and yellow roses. He explained that he felt bad that he hadnt done anything cute for me in awhile so he stopped and got me some flowers on the way over to my house. I have to admit i was getting a little suspicious around this time, but at the same time, Ammon always does cute stuff like that so i didnt think into it too much.
We arrived at our cute little duck pond, and out of the trunk he pulled two plastic bags full of treats. I began to realize that everything in the bag were my favorites.. Mambas, Licorice, Diet Coke, Jimmy Johns, Take 5, etc.. We sat down and began talking and catching up. (side note: at one point there was a duck that was venturing super close to the blanket.. Am shoo-ed (?) it away.. and i was so confused because we LOVE when the ducks come close!) At some point he handed me an envelope and told me to open it. I noticed that on the outside of the envelope it said 'past'.
As i began reading the letter inside, i immediately started tearing up. It talked about our past together which began over two and a half years ago.. you all dont know too much about.. but man there is A LOT of history there. When i was done, i went on to the next envelope.. which was labeled 'present' (are you sensing a theme?) This letter mostly talked about how far we have come and how lucky we are to be where we are. (like i said.. we have gone through A LOT of crazy things). And then, he handed me the last letter labeled 'future'. This letter was the shortest, and most simple. It had the last two versus of our song and a short paragraph about how excited he is for JULY 26th! and when i was finished he grabbed my hand, made me stand up, and asked me to marry him! I was crying, and kept telling him how i knew i would cry when he proposed! Somewhere amidst all the chaos, i said yes (he swears that i didnt actually say yes, but i KNOW i did) and then we proceeded with the whole lovey dovey kissy phase.
After all that.. i looked at Am and saw him waving like a crazy man.. i turned and looked behind me and out of a MASSIVE bush, climbed my two roommates with a way nice camera and a HUGE lens! He then explained that is why he didnt want the duck close.. because he didnt want it to ruin the pictures! haha hilarious! It was the best surprise everrr. I have always wanted my proposal to be photographed, and having two of my best friends there to witness it all was just icing on the cake! We took a few pictures, and then they left us to spend time alone. We ate, and talked, and planned for the future. Then after about an hour we decided to begin making phone calls and sending text messages. That hour or so of being engaged and having no one know.. was seriously the best part of everything. I absolutely loved that time of just talking to my FIANCE and hanging out. It is something that i will never forget!
I am sooo grateful for those letters too. Everyone always told me to listen and try really hard to remember the things he said to me before he popped the question. People usually forget the sweet words of love expressed because they are sooo anxious and excited about what is to come. BUT for me, i have those sweet letters that explain everythinggg. I will forever have the letters that express his love and excitement to marry me---seriously it is so perfect!
I am so excited and thrilled to be marrying the man of my dreams on July 26th! We feel so blessed and humbled by all the loving support and the many congratulations that have come our way! Save the date people... It's gonna be a party!
(apologies in advance for the pics being in horrible alignment.. the new blogger is being dumb)
So Friday, I got off work and immediately called Am. I explained to him that i needed to go home to change and paint my finger nails real quick. (I had become super paranoid that i would be proposed to when my nails looked like absolute crap.. so i was constantly painting and repainting.. my OCD kicked in a bit too). He told me that he would meet me at my house in awhile. And then he said "oh and just like.. wear some jeans and.. like a cute shirt or something" (ok i was so confused.. but went along with it) and then he said.."guess what just happened?... i got rear ended." hahaha i felt so bad for him! He had just finished filling out a police report and everything.
When he got to my house he was a little jittery. Of course i thought it was a little weird, but just figured it was because he had just gotten in a car accident. He kept saying things like.. "we are running out of daylight here babe.. HURRRYYY." While, secretly in my head i am thinking.. "k what the crap.. it is 4:30!" So we hurried out the door. And there, waiting in his car was a massive bouquet of pink and yellow roses. He explained that he felt bad that he hadnt done anything cute for me in awhile so he stopped and got me some flowers on the way over to my house. I have to admit i was getting a little suspicious around this time, but at the same time, Ammon always does cute stuff like that so i didnt think into it too much.
We arrived at our cute little duck pond, and out of the trunk he pulled two plastic bags full of treats. I began to realize that everything in the bag were my favorites.. Mambas, Licorice, Diet Coke, Jimmy Johns, Take 5, etc.. We sat down and began talking and catching up. (side note: at one point there was a duck that was venturing super close to the blanket.. Am shoo-ed (?) it away.. and i was so confused because we LOVE when the ducks come close!) At some point he handed me an envelope and told me to open it. I noticed that on the outside of the envelope it said 'past'.
As i began reading the letter inside, i immediately started tearing up. It talked about our past together which began over two and a half years ago.. you all dont know too much about.. but man there is A LOT of history there. When i was done, i went on to the next envelope.. which was labeled 'present' (are you sensing a theme?) This letter mostly talked about how far we have come and how lucky we are to be where we are. (like i said.. we have gone through A LOT of crazy things). And then, he handed me the last letter labeled 'future'. This letter was the shortest, and most simple. It had the last two versus of our song and a short paragraph about how excited he is for JULY 26th! and when i was finished he grabbed my hand, made me stand up, and asked me to marry him! I was crying, and kept telling him how i knew i would cry when he proposed! Somewhere amidst all the chaos, i said yes (he swears that i didnt actually say yes, but i KNOW i did) and then we proceeded with the whole lovey dovey kissy phase.
After all that.. i looked at Am and saw him waving like a crazy man.. i turned and looked behind me and out of a MASSIVE bush, climbed my two roommates with a way nice camera and a HUGE lens! He then explained that is why he didnt want the duck close.. because he didnt want it to ruin the pictures! haha hilarious! It was the best surprise everrr. I have always wanted my proposal to be photographed, and having two of my best friends there to witness it all was just icing on the cake! We took a few pictures, and then they left us to spend time alone. We ate, and talked, and planned for the future. Then after about an hour we decided to begin making phone calls and sending text messages. That hour or so of being engaged and having no one know.. was seriously the best part of everything. I absolutely loved that time of just talking to my FIANCE and hanging out. It is something that i will never forget!
I am sooo grateful for those letters too. Everyone always told me to listen and try really hard to remember the things he said to me before he popped the question. People usually forget the sweet words of love expressed because they are sooo anxious and excited about what is to come. BUT for me, i have those sweet letters that explain everythinggg. I will forever have the letters that express his love and excitement to marry me---seriously it is so perfect!
I am so excited and thrilled to be marrying the man of my dreams on July 26th! We feel so blessed and humbled by all the loving support and the many congratulations that have come our way! Save the date people... It's gonna be a party!
(apologies in advance for the pics being in horrible alignment.. the new blogger is being dumb)
Reading my letters.. and the dang duck was moving in! |
The knee |
Probably one of the few kissing pics you will everrr see on my blog
So surprised when i saw my roommates! |
Still just in shock a little... |
"Yeah that sooo just happened!!!!!" |
My beautiful bouquet! |
The supplies.. |
We both love my ring soo much! |
I love that boy to pieces! |
He did such a good job.. perfecty done just how i envisioned .. i love my ring! |
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