Last weekend was pretty dang great! First we had the good old 'Holy War'.. which i might add i think is the most retarded thing ever. but it did give me a good reason to rush the field! all i can say is.. WOW. WOW. WOW. really though how much more amazing could that game could have gone for our Utes? I must admit we got pretty lucky, and both teams definitely werent anything special.. but it sure does feel good to take home the 'W'.
Me and my girl Lace. |
Funny story real quick about the game.. so i was sitting on the 5th row in the MUSS, and well.. we of course had to rush the field. So at the sight of the "blocking", i grabbed my bag and shoved my phone in my back pocket. I quickly realized how far of a drop it was to the field and made some kid catch me as i fell. Well, i felt my phone fall out of my pocket at some point on the fall.. so as soon as i landed, i quickly checked the ground around me--- it was no where to be found. So i started yelling to the people above (who i might add where very kind in helping me out) and still.. no where to be found. I figured someone must have picked it up and taken off with it, and i so took off toward the middle of the field to celebrate with my fellow Utes. About a half hour later Lace and i decided to go try to find my phone. We looked everywhere where it could have fallen- even in a half full garbage can close to where i jumped. NOTHING. Then i hear Lacey yell.. "hay! i think i see it in the bottom!"... dont worry my phone had fallen in a garbage can and was safely waiting for me to find it there! seriously how lucky can a girl be?!
Right after i found my miracle phone |
After the game the Kicks got together to draw names for our annual Christmas Girls Night and Gift Exchange. i got my girl Dut. yess :) but really i would be equally excited no matter who i drew. And then we had a date night bowling competition. Dont worry... me and Am could be called the comeback kids! we won with a combined score after two games of 528. wahooooo!! YOU GO AM! :)
I didnt get a picture of the whole gang.. so this will have to do. Love these girls |
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