Wednesday my roommates, i, and some other girls from the soccer team, decided to drive up north and watch the USA vs. Mexico soccer game. What a cool game to attend! it was freezing but definitely worth the horrible weather, and 6 hour drive home that followed!
On thursday we had friends over to dye Waster eggs! We had so much fun making each other eggs, and playing April Fools day tricks! hahahahah.. and there were definitely plenty of laughs! I think Whitley takes the prize for making the best eggs though.."Quality Eggs" as she would call them.
Friday i went home for the weekend and spent soo much time with my family! It was fun to be home and it was especially fun to have all my cousins from out of state in town!
The Annual Hansen Easter Egg hunt. I think i have set the record for consecutive years of finding the coveted "golden egg".. i think it is 4 years running now? i dare you to challenge me.

so happy about finding my egg.

Cutest little cousins! I am so sad they are moving to Italy this summer! What a cool experience though.. It is adorable hearing them practice their italian!... i am seriously considering going to nanny there next spring if my aunt can find me a family!
It is weekends and times like these when i realize how important family is. I love my family so much and i love spending time with them! I am excited to have the Andrizzi's closer to home.. They will be moving to Newport Beach this summer!.. and they better expect visitors!
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