Can i just say how much i loved being home for Christmas? It seriously was the absolute best thing ever. I loved spending time with my girlfriends, family, and friends that i hadn't seen in a very long time!
Every year "The Kicks", as we like to call ourselves, (call it cheesy i know but it all started in high school with a pair of shoes from Walmart.. and it just kinda stuck).. but we get together and have our annual gift exchange. It's supposed to be a secret who each of us 'has' but that really never seems to work. This year i had Brooke.. and my question is.. what do you get a girl who seriously has everything? i struggled.
So.. an umbrella and a cardigan are the winners!
We all met at Brooke's house and exchanged gifts, then we went and met up with Jess (she had work) and drove downtown to eat and go to temple square. It is absolutely crazy when we all get together and i love it so much. We ate wayy too much food at California Pizza Kitchen and then rode trax the three or so blocks to Temple Square to see the lights.
California Pizza Kitchen din din!

Just ridin trax!
This is by far the funnies picture of the night. We were so excited to finally get to Temple Square.. and as soon as the walk sign went on, Brooke being her crazy self took off running across the street . --keep in mind it is PACKED --there were hoards of people everywhere watching in awe as this girl took of sprinting across the street. The one word that flashed through my mind at this moment was.. ice. About one step from meeting the sidewalk.. yup she definitely hit ice. boom!!! yup there she went. Her blonde hair went flying and all the random peoples faces were in shock. It was hilarious!!.. but she survived.
Every year we take this exact it.
Brooke and I had to take this picture for our lovely little elders-- Elder Woolf and Elder Williams.
We are all going there someday.. how exciting is that!?
We all had so much fun and had so many funny thing happen.. i think we will always laugh about that night. I love those girls and i miss them so much already! and ok..? Jess is getting married in May! i am so excited for she and Evan.. it is going to be awesome!
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