Let's continue on this "coincidental" change in Teagan and his favorite styles and trends... once again, Teagan thought that ben's Polo shoes were just the coolest thing ever, and so he again forced my mom to go and buy them for his first day of school! And just recently he told my mom that his new favorite color was baby blue, and that he wanted to redo his whole room so that is was baby blue. Do you think it is a coincidence that Ben's favorite color is also baby blue? I think NOT! But my favorite of all these stories, just happened last sunday at sunday dinner. My mom knows that ben doesn't like tomatoes, so she didn't put any on his salad plate. Teagan pointed out that ben didnt have any tomatoes, and my mom told him that it was because he didn't like them. Later on at dinner, Teag hadn't eaten any of his salad, and when told he needed to eat his salad, his reply was "i don't like tomatoes." hahaha! what a joke! He wants so badly to be like Ben, and i think it's because just about a year and a half ago, he lost his biggest brother Chan, to an LDS mission. He was devastated, and still has a hard time with Chan being gone. But for some reason, i know that Ben not only came into my life at the perfect time, but obviously he has made a huge impact on my family's too.